Access Invaluable Resources: Trade Publications on Export Promotion, Regional Trade (EAC, COMESA, AfCFTA), and More by IDC
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    This brief is prepared by Intergrated Development Consultants Limited (IDCL) for use in contribution to the National Conversation on Trade Led Economic Growth as advocated in Kenya Kwanza Manifesto, Kenya National Trade Policy and Integrated National Export Development and Promotion Strategy (INEDPS) and numerous other sectoral strategies such as agriculture, livestock and industry.

    The author of the extensive report on INEDPS export performance for the period 2018 (INEDPS base year) to 2023, was the author of the National Trade Policy and INEDPS. He also supported INEDPS implementation for the period August 2019 to September 2021 under TMA support to the Government of Kenya through State Department for Trade.

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    The Baseline Survey on the Extent of Illicit Trade in Kenya, which was conducted alongside the Consumer Survey Report on Illicit Trade in Kenya, is yet another milestone towards the war on illicit trade in defence of the country’s vision of industrial led trade development and an investment destination economy as a result of the assured protection of Intellectual Property Rights.

    The study provides indicators that will be used to monitor illicit trade, and gains made in the war against this trade. The survey provides crucial baseline information that will act as a point of reference in the design of the strategies to fight illicit trade and the results to expect.

    Illicit trade owes its existence and growth to prevailing demand from consumers who, as documented in numerous studies, purchase illicitly traded products for a variety of reasons. The war on illicit trade therefore requires understanding of the demand side, and particularly awareness and factors driving consumers purchase of illicitly traded products. Consumer survey, therefore forms a critical pillar in the war on illicit trade by highlighting public awareness across the country, consumer behaviour and effectiveness of the strategies that have been in use. Of particular interest in the findings is the high level of public awareness but with very low skills or knowledge of telling whether a product is illicit or not. As a result, despite a public awareness level of 64%, over 80% of the consumers buy illicitly traded products not knowing that the products are counterfeit, pirated or that they fall under other forms of illicit trade.

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    This Baseline Survey on the Extent of Illicit Trade in Kenya is yet another milestone towards the war on illicit trade in defence of the country’s vision of industrial-led trade development and an investment destination economy as a result of the assured protection of Intellectual Property Rights.

    The study provides indicators that will be used to monitor illicit trade, and gains made in the war against this trade. The study provides crucial baseline information that will act as a point of reference in the design of the strategies to fight illicit trade and the results to expect.

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    The INEDPS seeks to reverse the downward trend of Kenya’s export performance by way of targeted sectoral export growth through the value chain approach that ensures direct link of domestic sector value chains to target destination markets. The national export growth strategy is driven by the overriding national goal of closing the Balance of Trade Deficit through export growth, factor productivity and stimulating overall factor employment and economic development.

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    The Vision of the National Trade Policy is “to make Kenya an efficient domestic market and export led globally competitive economy”. The policy’s Mission is to facilitate Kenya’s transformation into a competitive export led economy, enhance regional integration and widen participation in both domestic and international trade.

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    The overall objective of BEEEP is to contribute towards increasing green economic growth and creation of jobs by increasing the demand and creating a conducive environment for exports in value chains that also have strong inclusivity potential, particularly for women, youth, and people living with disabilities.

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    The EU Business Environment and Export Enhancement (BEEEP) is premised on the Integrated National Export Development and Promotion Strategy (INEDPS). The BEEEP is expected to contribute towards this national trade agenda through stimulating export growth in the following three priority value chains: Avocados, Mangoes and Vegetables.

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    In order to exploit the EU market, analysis of market potential and competitor countries has been done as a first step towards focused export development for the EU market. For each of the focal products, the EU market size and market potential, using 2019 as the base year has been established, as well as the projected 5% share that should be pursued. The response to this market access opportunity is to be stimulated through an EU market access response program targeting interventions in the sectoral export strategies and applying the Export Delivery Model that has been proposed under the INEDPS Export Value Chain Maps.