Our extensive portfolio spans across diverse industries from steel to agriculture and pharmaceuticals. We have worked with Governments, Regional Communities, and International Organizations to promote trade within Africa.

Our statement of capabilities offers potential clients and partners an understanding of our deep industry knowledge in trade negotiation and facilitation, policy design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, and ongoing programs like MSME development.


IDC has over 20 years of experience in the implementation of regional trade policy and integration programs in East and Southern Africa. We have demonstrated trade negotiation capacity and experience project managing the establishment of trade initiatives. IDC is a leading developer of ICT for trade solutions in East Africa.

Integrated Development Consultants: Driving Trade Integration in East & Southern Africa


  • IDC provides technical support towards stakeholder driven identification of sectoral challenges and opportunities and key value chains.

  • IDC undertakes studies and surveys on behalf of Government bodies, International and Regional Organisations on matters pertaining to trade, trade promotion, trade remedies and trade regulatory environment.

  • IDC provides technical support on national and trade promotion policies.

  • IDC designs and offers training modules for capacity building and institutional development of regional stakeholders during implementation stage of policies.

  • We support regional communities in policy monitoring the evaluation

  • IDC provides technical support to develop strategies for trade policy implementation.


IDC provides technical support for Governments, Regional Economic Communities and Stakeholders in trade negotiations in the following ways:

  • Establishment and project management of national and regional consultative mechanisms.

  • Customs union policies and implementation advisory services.

  • Rules of origin design for flexible ROOs that stimulate intra-regional trade and investment.

  • Training and capacity building Government representatives in preparation for trade negotiations.

  • Technical support for trade in goods, services & investment policy development.

trade facilitation SUPPORT

IDC’s trade facilitation expertise includes the following:

  • Development of digital trade portals to facilitate increased exports and value chain development.

  • Border infrastructure development to facilitate increased cross-border trade.

  • Development of harmonised regional standard on focal sectors to facilitate access to worldwide markets.

  • National and regional regulatory analysis towards developing a programme for reform to increase regional integration.

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We have a strong research background in economic development, international finance and financial markets. IDC has undertaken policy analysis and economic policy development in East Africa. We offer technical assistance in policy implementation as well as capacity building of institutions and stakeholders.

Unlocking Export Opportunities: Market Analysis & Trade Facilitation by IDC

sectoral development

We provide technical support towards the promotion of regional or national priority sectors for export promotion such as agriculture, horticulture or manufacturing.

Finance and financial markets policies and regulations are important towards creating a trade and investment enhancing environment. To this end, IDC supports Governments and Regional Communities in improving, strengthening and harmonizsng these policies.

Supporting MSMEs: Trade Compliance & Market Entry Strategies by IDC


At IDC, we see the training and capacity building of institutions and stakeholders as crucial towards the successful implementation of economic policy reforms.

We have experience in designing and delivering exhaustive training modules on relevant national, regional and international policies or reforms.